To become an accomplished martial artist, you need to work on the speed of your kicks, punches, footwork, etc. Skilled martial artists can throw numerous attacks in the same time that a novice can launch a single attack. Aim to hit with several quick kicks or punches versus just one. Too often, you will see martial arts students attack, stop and wait for another “opening” – allowing the opponent to get in their own attack. You are intentionally slowing yourself down. Having a lightening fast kick or punch is not very helpful if it takes you 30 seconds to fire off another attack.
Strength Training will enhance your upper body, lower body and core strength. In turn, these strength training exercises will help to improve your punching power, kicking power and grappling techniques. Before any strength training, martial artists should stretch and warm-up. All stretches and exercises should be supervised by a trained instructor in order to prevent injuries and to ensure the proper technique is utilized.
Balance training is necessary for martial arts students in order to avoid falling during advanced kicks, generating increased kicking power and punching power and possibly reducing potential injuries when an opponent has thrown or knocked you off-balance. Train with balance pads. These are large foam pads that allow feet to “sink” slightly and thus add further instability to balance training.
Martial arts agility training allows martial arts students to change positions rapidly and effectively. This enables martial artists to evade an attack or get open to launch an attack . Moreover, martial arts agility drills help to improve a martial artist’s overall balance and reaction speed. All stretches and exercises should be supervised by a trained martial arts instructor in order to prevent injuries and to ensure the proper technique is utilized.